Learning the Hard Way – the Need of Protecting my Aura

There are a lot of people these days that know of, and believe that we all have an invisible aura.  An aura is an energy field that surrounds our physical body and is there to protect us.  Some can feel it and some can even see it.  As for me, I believe we have it because I have felt it numerous times, although I haven’t actually seen it.  Unfortunately, there are still a lot of people out there that don’t believe in such a thing for one reason or another.  The skeptics need proof.  If they can’t see it, it’s not there, right?  To each his own.

Not only do I believe we have an aura, but I learned the hard way the need of protecting it.  I learned this lesson over an embarrassing, confusing and uncontrollable incident that happened to me at a Spirit Fest back in November 2016.

A lot of talented Christian singers that my sister and I liked were going to be there at Spirit Fest 2016.  To name a few, the Newsboys, Peter Furler and King & Country.

As my sister and I enjoyed the show from our fourth row of seats, I spotted Peter Furler behind the stage area and without thinking about it, I waved at him because I love his music.  I didn’t care if I looked silly, so I waved.   I don’t even know if he saw me since there were a lot of people in the audience, but it didn’t matter.  It was my first time at Spirit Fest and I was having fun and was excited to be there.

Later on, after Peter Furler sang, he told the audience that he would be in the back area for autographs or pictures.   So afterwards, my sister and I went to the area and stood in line.  There was a woman volunteer around the mid-thirties, who watched over the line of people.  While in line, I noticed the table he was going to be at was higher than where we would be standing for photographs and I thought, “That’s not going to be a good picture if he’s going to be behind the table.”  I asked the woman, “Are we taking pictures from this side of the table?”  She said, “Yes, you have to stand on this side.”

I don’t know why, but when she said that, I noticed her demeanor.  It seemed that she didn’t want to be there, as if her mind was else where.  She didn’t look very happy and just looked away into the distance.  I instantly felt an intense negative energy of angry emotion rush into my aura through my solar plexus and up into my heart chakra.   It was a horrible feeling.  I had never felt that before.  I didn’t understand at the time what had happened.  I thought, “What on earth is this?  I’m not angry, I’m happy.”  I was in a state of shock, wondering where the hostility came from.  It was such a traumatic experience for me that I wasn’t able to speak.  I thought, “This can’t be happening to me.  I can’t meet Peter Furler in this condition.  So unfair.”  I couldn’t shake it off.  I had seen Peter Furler walking to the table and I didn’t dare turn around, in fear of him seeing me like this.  The feeling was taking too long to dissipate that I decided to turn around, and to my surprise he wasn’t behind the table, he was right behind me.  He shook my hand and I think he said, “It’s nice to meet you.”  I can’t recall exact words due to my frame of mind at that time.  I still had my confused and shocking expression and I’m sure he was confused at my reaction.  I mean I couldn’t even speak, I was in shock.  I was so embarrassed.  I don’t think my sister knew what had happened.  He went back behind the table and without saying a word, I handed him a slip of paper with my website.  I figured for a good read or maybe for inspiration of a good song on miracles.  I mean he’s a great song writing.

My sister took a picture of me with Peter in the background, who was even farther away from the table.  I waited for my sister to take her picture.  I noticed he looked my way confused.  Heck I was so confused.  I was so embarrassed that I couldn’t go back and explain what happened because  I didn’t know myself.  Bummer, talk about bad timing.  I could’ve had a great picture with this beautiful, lovely soul.

So, that was my experience and it took me a while to figure out what actually took place.  After listening to other people’s input and reading information about the aura, I came to realize that the woman volunteer, must have been very mad and angry about something and I, being an empath, absorbed her angry emotions into my aura and chakras.  Man, I felt it!

That incident reminded me of another experience I had years ago, as I was driving on the street, I saw in the distance a hearse vehicle with a long line of cars behind it coming from the opposite direction.  Out of respect, I turned on my car’s head-lights and pulled over as they passed by.  It was a four-lane street with two lanes going one-way and two lanes going the opposite way, so there was quite a distance between the cars passing by and I.  They were on the far end and I was way over on the other end.  I had been in a happy mood listening to music from my DVD when out of no where, an intense feeling of sorrow and an uncontrollable urge to cry came over me and I began sobbing.  I didn’t even know the people and here I was crying in my car.  Once they passed, I felt better and was back to my happy self.  That was so weird because I’m not a very emotional person.

Similar situation with the woman volunteer at Spirit Fest.  The angry emotions were hers, not mine.  Once I got away from her area, I felt fine.

I felt so bad that Peter Furler had to witness that.  I wish I could explain what happened, but I don’t think I’ll be able to face him after that.  I still feel embarrassed about it.

Lesson learned, never go out in public without protecting my aura or risk being humiliated!

I found this beautiful prayer that is very fitting in a book by Susan Shumsky, DD titled “Awaken Your Third Eye”.

I quote from her page 188.  “When you are filled and surrounded with the radiance of God’s love, nothing and no one can invade or intrude upon your energy field.  A divine armor of invincibility protects you in all places and circumstances.  Allowing God to be divine protector is the best way to become invulnerable to lower energies.”

Here is the Prayer:

I now open my heart to the bright sunlight of God’s love.  The radiant light of God now pours into my being.  God’s grace now fills and surrounds my energy field with great beauty, great light, and great wholeness.   I am now enclosed in a divine bubble of beauteous, iridescent, shimmering radiant light.  This divine bubble is a golden, multicolored sphere of white, luminous purple, pink, blue, green, and silver light, filling, penetrating, and surrounding my energy field.  This beauteous, invincible sphere of light now heals, protects, and seals me.  I know all seeming holes, punctures, and piercings, which have torn my energy field, are now sealed with the pure white cleansing fire of the Holy Spirit and the beauteous golden light of God’s love. Thank you, God, and so it is.

I bought this book solely for this prayer since it was exactly what I needed.

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