Let the Children Come to Me

Now that my grandson was two years old, I wanted to start introducing him to God and Jesus.  My daughter had already begun teaching him to say little prayers before bedtime and I had bought him the children’s book, “Jesus Loves Me” last Christmas.  It’s a 5-button songbook by Ginger Swift.  On the top left corner of the book is a drawing of the sun shining with the words “Little Sunbeams”.  Which I have to say is very fitting.  That book became one of his favorite books and he loves singing the little songs. 

He loves books and loves being read to.  He sometimes surprises me when I’m reading to him.   If I happen to misread a word, he corrects me by blurting out the correct word.  I don’t know if he memorized his favorite books or maybe he can read some of the words.  I sometimes misread the blurry words without my reading glasses.

While visiting my daughter, her husband and my grandson on Memorial Day weekend, I bought my grandson three other little books, “All God’s Creatures”, “Good Night, God”, and “Bedtime Prayers” by Ginger Swift.

On the first night of my visit, I read those three little books to him before his bedtime and he loved them.  Later that night, as I lay in bed awake, a vision came to my mind.  I saw myself holding my grandson and there before us appeared a very bright light.  It was bright like the sun and we both knew it was God.  It was so bright that I had to turn my head away a little.  As I did, I saw my grandson looking at me smiling as the light was shining on his face.  The bright light didn’t seem to bother him.  It was way too bright for me that I jolted myself out of the vision.  I wished afterwards that I hadn’t done that.

Then on Sunday night, my son-in-law asked me if I could put my grandson to bed and of course I was delighted to do so.  My daughter was out picking up groceries and he had to get some things done.

So after my grandson’s bath, I turned on his ocean waves on Google and asked him to pick out three books for me to read before bedtime.  That’s his little routine at night.  He walked over to his shelf of many books and picked out the three little new books I bought for him.  I thought they were the perfect books to read.  There is a rocking chair in his room and we sat there together reading.

After we finished reading, I said, “Okay, time for bed.”  He put the books back on the shelf and I carried him to hug him goodnight.  We turned off the light and I began to sing, “Twinkle, Twinkle little star” since he likes to be sung to afterwards.    

I then laid him in his crib and stood by his crib as I repeated the song softly.  I usually have to sing the song three or four times since he keeps saying, “One more time”. 

As I stood by his crib singing, my eyes adjusted to the dark and I could see him lying face up on his pillow.  After the third song, I saw him quickly jerk his head to the right.  I kept watching him as he stared at something behind me.  I felt a little concerned since he’s never done that before.  He kept staring and then suddenly, he pointed and said with excitement, “God! Sitting on chair!”  I stopped singing and froze in astonishment.  Did I hear right?  I asked him, “What?”  Still pointing and staring, he again said with excitement, “God is sitting on chair!”  I looked behind me at the chair but I didn’t see any light or anything.  After a minute, he turned his head back to face upwards.  I asked him, “Is God still there?”  He said something, but in a more quiet tone that I didn’t quite understand him.  I was a little nervous, thinking, “Oh my goodness, God the Almighty is right behind me!”  I did my best to keep my composure and sang one more song and then quietly tiptoed out of the room.   

In honesty, I had to pee so badly, that’s why I left the bedroom so quickly.   I would have loved to stay in the room a little longer and just sit there on the floor next to his crib or by the rocking chair in the dark. Just in case God was still there.   

I later realized that it probably wasn’t meant for me to see God, but just to know that God was there.  He was probably delighted that I was bringing my grandson, his child, closer to him and Jesus.

I then also wondered how would a two year-old know what God looks like?  Did he remember him from two years earlier when he was up with God in Heaven? 

After everything I have been through and seen I was still blown away by this surprisingly amazing experience.  I couldn’t believe that my two year-old grandson saw God! That God was in the same room as I and sat on the same rocking chair that I sat on.  Wow!  Unbelievable!

A few days later, I was outside on the deck with my grandson and I asked him, “Do you remember the other night in your room when you saw God? What did he say to you?” He stopped playing and turned to me with a smile and said, “Jesus loves me.”

Matthew 19:14  Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

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